Your best pet can be one of them!
Male, about 3 yearsШакти Вах
Female, about 3 yearsЭйр - пушистое облачко
Female, about 7 monthsШайна Вах
Female, about 3 yearsЧара Вах
Female, about 3 yearsДоня
Female, about 6 yearsДжеки
Male, more then a yearЕжинька Богатырева
Female, about 5 yearsСтася Булочка
Female, about a yearЛейсан Кошкина
Female, more then a yearТарасик Мурлыка - большое белое облако
Male, about 5 yearsМАТИЛЬДА ЛОШИЦКАЯ
Female, more then a yearШпулька Дружная
Female, more then a yearСАМАНТА ДАЧНАЯ
Female, more then a yearЛизонька Кисонька
Female, about 5 yearsТАТОШИК
Male, about 3 yearsКрепыш
Male, about 4 yearsЗЕФИРКА ВОЗДУШНАЯ
Female, more then a yearКузьма ильич
Male, about 5 yearsЧикита
Female, about 7 yearsМэделин
Female, about 10 yearsСТРЕЛОЧКА БЕЛОСНЕЖКА
Female, about 3 years