Your best pet can be one of them!
Арчи Лошанский
Male, about 3 yearsТима Вах
Female, about 6 monthsСтеша Жуковская
Female, about 6 yearsФролик
Male, about 4 monthsХалви
Female, about 6 yearsХалли
Female, about 6 yearsМилс
Male, more then a yearМусильда
Female, about 4 yearsКрасавчик Рыжик
Male, about 8 yearsВася
Male, about 8 yearsФилька
Male, about 9 yearsТигран Ангарский
Male, about 6 yearsМелисса Ангарская
Female, about 4 yearsАлисия Ангарская
Female, about 4 yearsТиграша Ангарская
Female, about 4 yearsТигруля Ангарская
Female, about 4 yearsТигр Ангарский
Male, about 6 yearsБоня Лошицкая
Female, about 3 yearsЗомби Вах
Male, more then a yearФрай Вах
Male, about 10 monthsСири Вах
Female, more then a yearЛина Май
Female, about 9 monthsГрета Май
Female, about 9 monthsЭйдис
Female, about 7 months