Your best pet can be one of them!
Зомби Вах
Male, more then a yearФрай Вах
Male, about 9 monthsТима Вах
Female, about 5 monthsСири Вах
Female, more then a yearЛина Май
Female, about 8 monthsГрета Май
Female, about 8 monthsЭйдис
Female, about 6 monthsАнналина
Female, more then a yearЭйр - пушистое облачко
Female, about 6 monthsМила Дружная
Female, about 2 monthsМаруська Ильянская
Female, about 3 yearsМорис Дружный
Male, about a yearЛада Сокол
Female, about 5 monthsБантик
Male, about 3 monthsШайна Вах
Female, about 3 yearsЧара Вах
Female, about 3 yearsТигра Вах
Female, about 8 monthsСмайла Вах
Female, about 9 monthsДоня
Female, about 6 yearsМалыш Компанейский
Male, about 8 monthsДжеки
Male, more then a yearБарвинок
Male, about 5 monthsГраф (Алекс)
Male, about 4 yearsЕжинька Богатырева
Female, about 5 years